Quantum Computing from the Ground Up Errata

Page 28 Regarding the FREDKIN GATE, the line "If the control line is set it flips the second and third bits." should read "If the control line is set it swaps the second and third bits."

Page 33 Where it says theta(C) it should be theta(B), and where it says theta(B) it should be 90 degrees.

Page 47 In section O_ij should read O_ij = sigma(k=1,r) M_ik N_kj

Page 51 The reference to 3.6 should be 3.7 (and the reference to 3.7 should be 3.6). Also the reference to the dot product should be and should reference 3.6.

Page 55 Equation 3.63 is the same as 3.61 and should be removed.

Page 67 Above equation 3.94, "and calculating" should replace "and given".

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Page ?A quantum register does NOT require entanglement.